Academic Calendar

Birmingham College

Academic Calendar

Navigate your academic journey with ease by accessing our comprehensive Academic Calendar. This invaluable resource provides you with essential dates, events, and milestones throughout the academic year. From semester start and end dates to exam periods and key events, you’ll have a clear overview to help you plan your studies and stay on track. Stay connected and up-to-date with the college’s academic rhythm through our user-friendly Academic Calendar.

Calendar for the academic year 1445 - 1446 hijri

Corresponding 2024 - 2025 miladi

Graduation Ceremony

Birmingham College of Humanities (BCH) cordially invites you to the Day of Knowledge and Graduation Ceremony, scheduled to take place, insha Allah, at The New Bingly Hall, B18 5PP, Birmingham, on Sunday, November 3, 2024. The program will consist of a sequence of lectures, discussions, nashids, and Quranic recitations.